Commands Ordered by Description

Page Hex Command Name Description
73 1B 09 <ESC> <HT> # absolute horizontal tab to print column
74 1B 0B <ESC> <VT> # absolute vertical tab
137 7D 36 <7D> <36> <enum> <point> <int>*3 <IS2> arc close
137 7D 36 <7D> <36> <enum> <point> <int>*3 <IS2> arc
77 1B 08 <ESC> <BS> backspace 1/120in
79, 92 08 <BS> backspace
130 24 <24> <IS2> begin picture body
130 23 <23> <string> <IS2> begin picture
110 07 <BEL> BEL bell
77 1B 58 <ESC> X cancel all word processing modes
79, 92 0D <CR> carriage return
136 7D 4A <7D> <4A> <int> <IS2> circle cornering attribute
136 7D 3A <7D> <3A> <xmin> <xmax> <ymin> <ymax> <IS2> circle cornering rectangle
136 35 <35> <point> <int> <IS2> circle
73 1B 32 <ESC> 2 clear all tabs stops
72 1B 38 <ESC> 8 clear horizontal tab stop
90 9B 75 <CSI> # u CCMG clear margin
72 1B 43 <ESC> C clear top and bottom margins
131 2A <2A> <enum> <IS2> clip indicator
131 29 <29> <xmin> <xmax> <ymin> <ymax> <IS2> clip rectangle
139 7D 39 <7D> <39> <point> <IS2> closed area fill
80, 110 7F <DEL> delete (ignored)
95 1B 28 <ESC> ( I ... F DG0 designate graphics set G0
96 1B 29 <ESC> ) I ... F DG1 designate graphics set G1
109 9B 6E <CSI> # n DSR device status report
74 1B 5C <ESC> <5C> disable auto backward printing
74 1B 21 <ESC> ! disable auto carriage return
77 1B 52 <ESC> R disable auto underlined print
77 1B 26 <ESC> & disable bold print
74 1B 34 <ESC> 4 disable graphics mode
76 1B 51 <ESC> Q disable proportional space printing
101 9B 2E 70 <CSI> #... . p <data> CDCS1 download character set 1 (binary data)
104 9B 2F 70 <CSI> #... / p <data> CDCS2 download character set 2 (hex data)
107 9B 2E 72 <CSI> # ; # ; # . r <data> CDBX1 drawing box 1 (binary data)
107 9B 2F 72 <CSI> # ; # ; # / r <data> CDBX2 drawing box 2 (hex data)

Page Hex Command Name Description
138 7D 37 <7D> <37> <point> <int>*3 <IS2> ellipse
74 1B 2F <ESC> / enable auto backward printing
74 1B 3F <ESC> ? enable auto carriage return
79 1B 19 <ESC> <EM> <char> enable auto sheet feeder
77 1B 45 <ESC> E enable auto underlined print
74 1B 36 <ESC> 6 enable backward printing mode
77 1B 57 <ESC> W enable bold print
77 1B 4F <ESC> O enable bold print
74 1B 35 <ESC> 5 enable forward printing mode
74 1B 33 <ESC> 3 enable graphics mode
79 1B 3B <ESC> ; enable ISO mode
75 1B 37 <ESC> 7 enable print suppression
76 1B 50 <ESC> P enable proportional space printing
78 1B 1A <ESC> <SUB> <char> enable remote diagnosis mode
80, 110 03 <ETX> end of text block
82 1B 3A <ESC> : CEDM enter Diablo mode
83 9B 26 7D <CSI> # & } CEVM enter vector mode
76 1D <GS> extended character control 1
76 19 <EM> extended character control 2
80, 93 0C <FF> form feed
100 9B 20 42 <CSI> # ; # <space> B GSM graphic size modification
99 9B 20 43 <CSI> # <space> C GSS graphics size selection
74 1B 55 <ESC> U half-line feed
82 1B 63 <ESC> c RIS hard reset
93 9B 60 <CSI> # ` HPA horizontal position absolute
94 9B 6A <CSI> # j HPB horizontal position backward
94 9B 61 <CSI> # a HPR horizontal position relative
91 88 <HTS> HTS horizontal tabulation set
79, 92 09 <HT> horizontal tab
78 1B 0D 80 <ESC> <CR> P initiate remote reset
134 49 <49> <int> <enum> <IS2> interior style
133 7D 47 <7D> <47> <int> <IS2> line attribute
105 9B 7D <CSI> # } CLED line end position
79, 92 0A <LF> line feed
105 9B 7B <CSI> # ; # ; # { CLST line start position

Page Hex Command Name Description
134 73 44 <73> <44> <enum> <int>*2 <IS2> <data> line table
132 45 <45> <enum> <int> <IS2> line type
132 46 <46> <enum> <int> <IS2> line width
133 42 <42> <int> <IS2> marker size
135 7D 40 <7D> <40> <enum> <int>*2 <IS2> <data> marker table
133 41 <41> <int> <IS2> marker types
94 9B 78 <CSI> # ; # ; # x CMCP memorized current position
92 85 <NEL> NEL new line
110 9B 26 79 <CSI> # & y COPC operating comment
131 7D 22 <7D> <22> <int>*2 <IS2> origin transfer
89 9B 26 77 <CSI> # ; # ; # & w COVL page overlay
88 9B 26 74 <CSI> # ; # ; # & s CPRG page registration
88 9B 25 72 <CSI> # % r CROR page rotation command
108 9B 7A <CSI> z CEJT paper eject
108 9B 71 <CSI> # q CPFM paper feed mode
82 1B 3D <ESC> = CSRS parameter reset
93 8B <PLD> PLD partial line down
93 8C <PLU> PLU partial line up
135 7D 4F <7D> <4F> <enum> <int>*2 <IS2> <data> pattern table
138 32 <32> <point list> <IS2> polygon
136 31 <31> <point list> <IS2> polyline
137 30 <30> <point list> <IS2> polymarker
74 1B 42 <ESC> B print in primary color
74 1B 41 <ESC> A print in secondary color
78 1B 59 <ESC> Y printwheel spoke 0 characters
78 1B 5A <ESC> Z printwheel spoke 95 characters
138 7D 38 <7D> <38> <point> <int>*5 <IS2> quarter ellipse
109 1B 3F <ESC> ? <char> CRPP request proportional pitch
85 9B 6C <CSI> # l RM reset mode
73 1B 53 <ESC> S return HMI control to spacing switch
139 7D 70 <7D> <70> return to text
74 1B 44 <ESC> D reverse half-line feed
93 8D <RI> RI reverse index
74 1B 0A <ESC> <LF> reverse line feed
130 21 30 <21> <30> <int>*2 <IS2> scaling mode

Page Hex Command Name Description
97 9B 20 4B <CSI> # <space> K CSFP select font pitch
98 9B 6D <CSI> # m SGR select graphic rendition
108 9B 76 <CSI> # v CPRT select number of print copies
87 9B 70 <CSI> # ; # ; # p CSPF select page format
82 9B 26 7A <CSI> # & z CSPM select paint memory mode
91 9B 77 <CSI> # ; # w CSPO select proportional offset
86 9B 20 4A <CSI> # <space> I SSU select size unit
72 1B 4C <ESC> L set bottom page margin
73 1B 1F <ESC> <US> # set horizontal motion index
72 1B 31 <ESC> 1 set horizontal tab stop
72 1B 39 <ESC> 9 set left margin
73 1B 0C <ESC> <FF> # set lines per page
89 9B 74 <CSI> # t CSMG set margin
84 9B 68 <CSI> # h SM set mode
77 1B 11 <ESC> <DC1> # set offset spacing
72 1B 30 <ESC> 0 set right margin
72 1B 54 <ESC> T set top page margin
74 1B 1E <ESC> <RS> # set verical motion index
91 9B 20 4C <CSI> # <space> L SVS set vertical spacing
73 1B 2D <ESC> - set vertical tab stop
106 9B 72 <CSI> # r CSED shading end position
106 9B 73 <CSI> # # s CSST shading start position
76, 96 0F <SI> shift in to primary set
76, 96 0E <SO> shift out to secondary set
82 1B 3C <ESC> < CSRS soft reset
90 9B 20 47 <CSI> # ; # <space> G SP spacing increment
83 9B 2E 7A <CSI> # . z <data> CSTU1 startup macro (binary data)
83 9B 2F 7A <CSI> # / z <data> CSTU2 startup macro (hex data)
92 9B 67 <CSI> # g TR tabulation clear
80, 110 00 <NUL> time filler (ignored)
99 9B 79 <CSI> # y CTYP typeface selection
131 28 <28> <point> <point> <IS2> VDC extent
93 9B 64 <CSI> # d VPA vertical position absolute
94 9B 6B <CSI> # k VPB vertical position backward
94 9B 65 <CSI> # e VPR vertical position relative
91 8A <VTS> VTS vertical tabulation set
79, 92 0B <VT> vertical tab